Two cars in a rear-end collision

Did you purchase a used car only later to find out that it had previously suffered serious accident damage? Did a car dealership lie to you or trick you into believing that the vehicle had a clean accident history? If so, the Vachon Law Firm may be able to help. We don’t just take California lemon law cases – we are also experts in litigating accident-damaged used car lawsuits. In fact, Michael R. Vachon, Esq., the founder of the Vachon Law Firm, has been in the forefront of finding new ways to prosecute wrecked-car cases for nearly a decade.

The Vachon Law Firm offers free consultations in accident-damaged used car cases. So if you bought a used automobile – only to later find out that it was previously wrecked in an accident – call us today at 855-4-LEMON-LAW (855-453-6665) to learn more about your legal rights. When you call, we’ll give you an honest assessment of the viability of a legal action against the selling dealer. If you have a case, we will tell you. If you don’t, we’ll tell you that to. You’ve got nothing to lose, so call us today!

Why Should I Care if My Car Was Previously in an Accident?

If you were tricked into buying an accident-damaged used car, there are several reasons why you should consider seeking a refund or monetary damages from the selling dealer. First, if the accident is listed in one or more of the popular vehicle history reporting services (e.g., Carfax, AutoCheck, etc.) then it will likely diminish the vehicle’s resale value. Second, regardless of whether or not the damage is listed in a vehicle history report, certain types of accident damage (particularly damage to the vehicle’s frame and/or suspension) can diminish the vehicle’s safety and performance. They can also increase the costs and expenses of operating the vehicle by increasing the likelihood of costly future repairs.

What if I Can’t Afford to Hire a Lawyer?

At the Vachon Law Firm, we take accident-damaged used car cases on a contingency fee basis. That means that you typically don’t have to pay us any money to start a lawsuit, you don’t have to pay us any money while the lawsuit is being litigated, and you won’t owe us anything unless we win your case for you. Best of all, we sue car dealers under California statutes that force the losing car dealers to pay the prevailing consumers’ attorneys’ fees and costs for them. So in the unlikely event that you lose (the Vachon Law Firm has never lost an accident-damaged used car case), you won’t owe us any money, and if you win, then the car dealership pays our fees and costs for you.

If you have a viable legal claim against a car dealership for selling you an accident damaged used car, then (at least at the Vachon Law Firm) not having the money to hire a lawyer will not prevent you from pursuing your legal rights.

Talk to an Expert Accident-Damaged Used Car Attorney

The only way to find out if you are entitled to a refund or other monetary compensation is to talk to an experienced consumer law attorney. The Vachon Law Firm specializes in accident-damaged car cases and we offer free consultations. What’s more, we’re here to help. We’re dedicated consumer advocates who aggressively litigate used car cases on behalf of our clients to maximize their monetary recovery.

Call us today at 855-4-LEMON-LAW (855-453-6665) to learn how we can help! You can also email us your accident-damaged used car questions.