Cyclist Riding on the Road

AAA Expands Roadside Assistance for Cyclists

In the earlier days of bicycling, if a cyclist got a flat tire calling AAA definitely wasn’t the first thing that came to mind. However, thanks to the growth of bicyclists around the country, more organizations are offering roadside assistance to bicycle riders. Earlier this...
Pregnant Woman

Thinking Twice About C-Sections

Cesarean sections can save the mother and child from life-threatening complications at the time of labor. However, recent studies pose concerns regarding the increasing use of the procedure. Consumer Reports recently investigated 1,500 hospitals across the United States (22...
Motorcycle Rider

Risks of Motorcycle Deaths Continue Despite Recent Study

In some countries, it is a lot more common to ride a motorcycle than a car. You can get to a destination quicker, dodge traffic, and even save on gas. In the United States, California dominates with over 800,000 registered motorcycles as of 2013, and states like Florida, Texas...
Caduceus Symbol and Identity Theft

Survey Reveals Increase in Medical Identity Theft

We’ve all heard about identity theft and the negative effects it can have on consumers if they are held responsible for transactions made by identity thieves. Consumers are often told to take extra measures to protect their credit cards or bank accounts from being breached, and...
Health Monitor

Seminar Answers Questions on Consumer Generated Health Data

As online and offline technologies expand so do our resources. Filled with a wealth of information, new and emerging technologies have affected the ways consumers seek out different types of information. One recent trend is consumer generated and controlled information, where the...
Caduceus Symbol (Medical Symbol)

FDA Approval of First HPV Test for Cervical Cancer Screening in Question

Earlier last week you may have heard health advocates advise against a new DNA test, manufactured by Roche, which detects the human papillomavirus. But that’s not why groups have advised against the test. The genetic HPV test has actually been available for a few years now, but...
Desolated San Bruno Neighborhood

Three Years Later, San Bruno Residents Are Still Recovering From The Explosion

The Fire On a Thursday evening, Mayor Jim Ruane cuts a ribbon on the new music store that opened in downtown San Bruno. Shortly after 6 o’clock he leaves the store, looks up the hills and terrain of the city, and sees an immense ball of fire. He gets into his car and drives down...
Affordable Care Act Logo

Study Finds That Obamacare Could Lower Costs of Liability Coverage

In a recent study by the Rand Corporation titled – How Will The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Affect Liability Insurance Costs? – the authors found that the ACA will possibly affect major forms of liability insurance costs in both the short and long...
Industrial Chicken Coop

Animal Feed Additives Expected to Grow Between 2013 and 2020

According to a new research report conducted by Allied Market Research, the global animal feed additives market was valued at nearly $15 billion in 2013 and is projected to grow up to $20 billion by 2020. Due to high meat consumption all over the world, there has also been a...
Hip Replacement Screws

4 Reasons Why Hip and Knee Body Implants Need Warranties

There are several items that come with a warranty these days. Whether it’s a computer, a car or a phone, manufacturers tend to supply consumers with a warranty in case a product turns out faulty. It is a common and fair practice for most of our purchases, yet body implants...