Sea Turtle

Generations of Wildlife are in Jeopardy Due to Climate Change

When we think of climate change, changing weather patterns and greenhouse gas emissions come to mind. Environmentalists are among the many advocates who have warned of the dangers of climate change and who have suggestions for addressing the problem. After all, an increase in...
Paid Internships Sign

Can Low or Unpaid Internships Seek Back Pay?

We’ve all heard about how internships can be helpful for students to gain professional experience and maybe even gain a full-time job after the internship is over. However, not all internships have provided interns with the professional knowledge and skills necessary to...
Solar Panels and Windmills

Legislation Aims to Freeze Ohio Energy Efficiency Standards

As climate change and other environmental issues gain more momentum, it is clear that renewable energy sources (RES) are needed to help protect the environment and the health of others. As energy consumers and greenhouse gas emitters, using environmentally friendly electricity...
Desolated San Bruno Neighborhood

Three Years Later, San Bruno Residents Are Still Recovering From The Explosion

The Fire On a Thursday evening, Mayor Jim Ruane cuts a ribbon on the new music store that opened in downtown San Bruno. Shortly after 6 o’clock he leaves the store, looks up the hills and terrain of the city, and sees an immense ball of fire. He gets into his car and drives down...